Mpv2 Description

1.Introduction #

Marketing Place platform will provide you with a complete eSIM wholesale service.

2.Versions #

Version History
Version Data Description
2.0 2023/11/06 New
2.1 2024/01/30 Optimized product ordering service
2.2 2024/11/27 Added the Top up function
2.3 2025/03/18 Added the daily traffic function

3.Scope #

3.1 Purpose #

The purpose of this article is to help customers quickly complete MP system integration. It introduces the materials and specifications that need to be prepared during integration, and how to use the integrated services according to the specifications

3.2 Step #

  • Step1:apply for / issue offline signatrue and complete the primary conditions for integration

  • Step2:carry out service integration and connect API services

  • Step3:you can use iccid to order the product

  • Step4:you can top up your order using the order returned in step 3

3.3 Key information preparation #

Basic information of Reseller:

Customer Information Form
Customer name
Customer Contact person email
Customer Contact person phoneNum
Other information

Noteļ¼š Please send the form to the LinksField PM team, who will create enterprise based on the contents of the form.

4.Flow #

4.1 Overview of the apis #

Path API Name
/mp-api/api/esim/queryOrderStatus Order status query
/mp-api/api/esim/queryTraffic Traffic query
/mp-api/api/esim/switchOrder Switch order
/mp-api/api/esim/saveAlarmCallbackInterface Specifies the callback interface
/mp-api/api/esim/v2/productList Get product list
/mp-api/api/esim/v2/activationCode Get QR code and create order
/mp-api/api/esim/v2/topUp Use the order number to top up
/mp-api/api/esim/v2/queryHistoryDailyTraffic History daily traffic query

4.2 Order status query #

You can use API to check the status of the orders you have ordered on the platform.

GET /mp-api/api/esim/queryOrderStatus

Input parameters #

Type Name Schema Required Description
Query orderCode string true Order Code
Query requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Output parameters #

Note: Multiple pieces of data may be returned

Normal Data:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": [
      "eid": "89491202308310000235",
      "packageCode": "LP14230831004073",
      "status": "0",
      "actualStartTime": null,
      "plannedEndTime": null
  "requestId": null

Null data:

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": [{
        "eid": null,
        "packageCode": null,
        "status": null,
        "actualStartTime": null,
        "plannedEndTime": null
    "requestId": null
Name Description
eid eSIM`s EID
packageCode Package Code
status Order status (0- Not enabled; 1- In use; 2- Suspended; 3- Finished)
actualStartTime Actual start time
plannedEndTime Scheduled end time

4.3 Traffic query #

You can use API to check the usage of the orders you have ordered on the platform.

GET /mp-api/api/esim/queryTraffic

Input parameters #

Type Name Schema Required Description
Query orderCode string true Order Code
Query requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Output parameters #

Note: Multiple pieces of data may be returned

Normal data:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": [
      "eid": null,
      "packageCode": "LP14230831004073",
      "packageFlow": null,
      "packageUsedFlow": null,
      "actualStartTime": null,
      "plannedEndTime": null,
      "cycle": "1"
  "requestId": null

Null data:

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": [{
        "eid": null,
        "packageCode": null,
        "packageFlow": null,
        "packageUsedFlow": null,
        "actualStartTime": null,
        "plannedEndTime": null,
        "cycle": null
   "requestId": null
Name Description
eid eSIM`s EID
packageCode Package Code
packageFlow Total package traffic (MB)
packageUsedFlow Package used data (MB)
cycle Order period (Month)
actualStartTime Actual start time
plannedEndTime Scheduled end time

4.4 Swtich order #

You can use API to change the order status of the orders you have ordered on the platform.

POST /mp-api/api/esim/switchOrder

Input parameters #

Name Schema Required Description
orderCode string true Order Code
switchButton string true Status switch Example : “ON/SUSPEND/RESTART/OFF”
requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Note: OrderCode can determine an order separately

Update: Update September 25, 2023 switchButton added pause and re-enable operations. Set the correct values based on the switchButton example value

Output parameters #

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": null

4.5 Alarm callback #

4.5.1 Specifies the callback interface #

You need to write a request interface (It must be a POST interface) in your service, and then call /mp-api/api/esim/saveAlarmCallbackInterface to save the full URL of your interface into the Links Field configuration.

POST /mp-api/api/esim/saveAlarmCallbackInterface

Body parameters

Name Schema Required Description Default Example Fixed Value
resellerCode string true Reseller Code SG00000010 false
httpMethod string true HTTP Method POST POST true
httpUrl string true HTTP Full Url false
requestId string false Request ID (For logging) 202309251611-1683713932415610880 false


    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": "httpUrl",
    "requestId": null

4.5.2 Alarm callback #

When the usage reaches the specified threshold, callback push is triggered, and the alarm information is sent to the specified server by querying the callback interface configured with the Reseller.

Callback interface params

Name Schema Required Description
eid string true EID
packageCode string true Package Code
orderCode string true Order Code
packageUsedRate string true Package Used Rate
Example : "53% 84% 100%"
requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

4.6 Get product list #

You can query the product and specification info that you have already purchased in MP.

GET /mp-api/api/esim/v2/productList

Input Parameters #

Type Name Schema Required Description
Query requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Output Parameters #


  "code": 200,

  "msg": "Success",

  "data": [


      "goodsId": 35,

      "goodsName": "Test countryCoverage",

      "productId": 5,
      "orderQuantity": "1",

      "productName": "Test QR product",

      "simGroupCode": "SIMGROUP1705126754702139392",

      "simGroupName": "test qr 2",

      "coverCountry": "460",

      "coverCountryName": "China"



      "goodsId": 37,

      "goodsName": "CHINA_Test",

      "productId": 6,

      "orderQuantity": "3,4",

      "productName": "1GB/7days",

      "simGroupCode": "SIMGROUP1706570409388478464",

      "simGroupName": "eSIMGO test group 0926",

      "coverCountry": "460",

      "coverCountryName": "China"



      "goodsId": 35,

      "goodsName": "TEST countryCoverage",

      "productId": 8,

      "orderQuantity": "2",

      "productName": "testtest",

      "simGroupCode": "SIMGROUP1705126754702139392",

      "simGroupName": "test qr 2",

      "coverCountry": "460",

      "coverCountryName": "China"



  "requestId": null

Name Description
goodsId Unique identification of Country Coverage in MP system
goodsName Country Coverage name of MP system
productId Unique identification of MP system specification (Product)
productName MP System Specification (Product) name
simGroupCode The product group attribute of the MP system uniquely identifies the sim group
coverCountry The country code of the goods covered
coverCountryName Name of the country covered by the goods

4.7 Get QR code and create order #

You can select a product for eSIM in your MP’s inventory that is currently on sale. We will response the order result and QR code to you after the order is completed.

We support both specified ICCID ordering and unspecified ordering.

POST /mp-api/api/esim/v2/activationCode

Input Parameters #

Name Schema Required Description
goodsId int false Unique identification of Country Coverage in MP system
productId int true Unique identification of MP system specification (Product)
orderQuantity int false The number of ordering cycles available
iccid string false ICCID
price decimal false The price at which it is sold to individual users
activateFlag string false Activation order flag
Example : "yes/no"
requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Note: orderQuantity indicates the number of cycles that can be ordered. If this parameter is not passed, the minimum number of cycles supported by the Product is taken. If the orderQuantity passed to MP is not the number of valid cycles supported by the Product, a friendly prompt is returned: No ICCID found

Output Parameters #

qrCode is String of the QR which will be scanned by the end-user to download/instal the profile.
orderCode is an unique ID in the MP system. The access party should bind an unique ID in their own system to manage the relations later for the traffic query,service(disable/enable) etc.

  "code": 200,
  "msg": null,
  "data": {
    "iccid": "8943108169999589689",
    "qrCode": "LPA:1$$FJW99-WC5AS-CBYC9-WFTOZ",
    "orderCode": "ORDER_1726522312360550400"

  "requestId": null


4.8 Top up #

You can use the order number obtained after the activationCode operation to continue the top-up operation, which will increase the same period and volume based on the order generated by the activationCode operation.
Order states that allow top-up include: not enabled, in use, and suspended. Finished orders do not allow top-up.

POST /mp-api/api/esim/v2/topUp

Input Parameters #

Name Schema Required Description
orderCode String true The order number obtained from the activationCode interface
requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Note: orderCode can be obtained in the response of the activationCode interface.

Output Parameters #

orderCode is an unique ID in the MP system. The access party should bind an unique ID in their own system to manage the relations later for the traffic query,service(disable/enable) etc.
renewPeriod indicates the number of periods for top-up. This value is derived from the number of periods used by the activationCode interface to generate orders.

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": {
    "renewPeriod": 1,
    "orderCode": "ORDER_1859115952416571392"
  "requestId": null

4.9 History daily traffic query #

You can use API to check the usage of the orders you have ordered on the platform.

GET /mp-api/api/esim/v2/queryHistoryDailyTraffic

Input parameters #

Type Name Schema Required Description
Query orderCode string true Order Code
Query requestId string false Request ID (For logging)

Output parameters #

Note: Multiple pieces of dailyTraffic may be returned

Normal data:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": {
      "packageCode": "LP14230831004073",
      "actualStartTime": "2025-03-07 17:11:21",
      "plannedEndTime": "2025-03-13 23:59:59",
      "dailyTraffic": [
          "flowUseTime": "2025-03-07",
          "useFlow": "120000"
  "requestId": null

Null data:

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": {
      "packageCode": null,
      "actualStartTime": null,
      "plannedEndTime": null,
      "dailyTraffic": [
          "flowUseTime": null,
          "useFlow": null
   "requestId": null
Name Description
packageCode Package Code
actualStartTime Actual start time
plannedEndTime Scheduled end time
- flowUseTime Traffic used time
- useFlow Traffic used(byte)